Monday, March 8, 2010

I don't care...a pint is a serving, and sometimes that isn't enough...

I used to scoop out a serving from a pint, and put the container back in the freezer for the next time I had a hankering for a frozen treat - I would then retrieve it, and repeat the action. Now? I take out a pint, peel off the cellophane protective cover, and dig in with a fork (yes, a fork)...then it's off to the recycling bin for the empty cardboard cylinder.

(by the way this is an image of a fork intended to be used for the consumption of ice cream...I am not the only genius out there who creates the demand for these to drive the supply)
Since I have been "with child," this ritual has been part of my daily routine, and CR has taken notice. Today we sat at the kitchen table for lunch, as we always do.

(Mind you, CR went from a few bites of his mac and cheese to taking slices of banana and cut grapes and dipping them in syrup. We are huge condiment folks in the R household...not necessarily always sweet choices, but I wasn't going to fight it today. I plan on saving my battle with him for tomorrow at preschool drop-off)...

After completing our "meals," I needed to fill the dairy-related void in my day, so I took out one of three pints of the same flavor of ice cream we have (I always have at least three pints available at all times...frightening, but absolutely necessary).

CR: Mommy I want ice cream too.
Mommy: Then go get your own pint (selfish, yes, but come on...he could get his own - he didn't even want any until he saw me eating it). Do you want a bowl and a spoon?
CR: (he went to the freezer, took out another new pint, then opened the silverware drawer and grabbed a fork...) No bowl, just the ice cream.

Great, I've created a monster. So there we sat, each with our own pints, happy as pigs in, well, you know. The difference? He barely made a dent, and I was down to two pints on reserve...add it to the shopping list for tomorrow...

(images from here and from here)

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