Monday, March 22, 2010

Achilles Knee

Today B had his eighth surgery on his right knee. Yes, his eighth. He had it done out at MGH in Waltham, and as rough as we thought the day might be, things rolled along without any major glitches.

We arrived at 12:30pm, and were home by 4pm. Crazy fast.

Pretty much as soon as we arrived, B was taken back for pre-op. I did some work using the hospital computer terminals, and before I knew it, the doctor came out to give me an update on how B's procedure went.

The doctor looked a little surprised to find me sitting there, waiting to hear any news on how B was doing. When B was coming out of anesthesia, he told the attending that I was out for a run, and that they might have to wait to find me...poor disoriented poo. I had not left the waiting room other than to go to the hospital pharmacy to fill B's prescriptions, but in defense of his delirious statement, he wasn't that far off base. The last time B had his knee done, he had it scoped at this same facility. I was abandoned for a number of hours to sit, wait, worry, wait...worry some more...nervous energy is a bitch, so I let the nurse at the front desk know that I had my cell if they needed to speak with me, and that I was heading out for a run. This time, however, on this rainy day at 31 weeks prego, this round lady was staying put.

Things went smoothly. They removed a screw that had been placed in his knee from his last ACL replacement, and cleared out a lot of scar tissue that had been limiting the range of motion in his knee.

On the way home, we chatted about how much CR has grown mentally and emotionally, even over the past few weeks. He went to school this morning and had a great day there (no crying, and he even asked to use the bathroom rather than shrugging his shoulders to rely upon the semi-absorbant nature of his Pull-ups; he always uses the potty at home, but while adjusting to life at school, taking care of bodily functions in the proper manner was not on the table). I picked him up around 11:30am, and after prying him away from the craft he was working on, we did a 5-minute turnaround at home - we arrived, SM walked through the door moments later, I gathered my husband, kissed CR goodbye, and we were off into the rain. It didn't phase CR - no whining, no "where's Mommy" questions, nothing. He laughed and smiled as we rushed out the door. B and I capped off our car ride discussion by saying how proud we are of that, B let out a few loud and exaggerated sighs. Worried that post-surgical nausea had kicked in, I asked if he was okay.

"Just breathing out the toxins."

He's nuts.

Hopefully this is his last surgery for awhile, or forever, for that matter. I am proud of both my boys - cheers to a speedy recovery!

(image from here)

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