Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Earlier this evening, I was reminded why I should blog.  I hate the term "blog," but it is a medium in this day and age where moments can be captured, and I can write about one of the most important pieces of my life - my kids.

After my helicopter days with CR, I have taken what seems to be a large step back with "baby" C (let's just call her CA) and the Moo.  It's scary how in the blink of an eye laid-back parenting can seem like being negligent. 

Tonight we went to CR's "baseball" game.  I use that term loosely, as it's really T-Ball with no outs...and they only play five innings.  In my opinion, they DO learn the rules of the game, and how the flow should go, but come on now...they should learn what we teach them in our back yard.  That a caught ball, and on top of that, one that is thrown to a base, is an out...and that a ball is thrown at you to hit - it does not sit on a vertical tube in front of your face...but this is not the reason for my post.

While I was trying to watch my oldest son bat, and my other son play with a friend's little sister, I missed CA's action on the swings.  Apparently, after my sweet niece AR told me "CA fell off the swing," (thank you AR!!!) and another mother yelled about a little girl who was hurt, I grabbed Moo, and sprinted to the swings.  CA stared at me...lying on the ground, seemingly unresponsive.  B ran from across the field to make sure she was okay.  At the moment my eyes locked with CA's flat expression, I felt like everything in life needed to be monitored.  I felt myself starting to rev up my helicopter blades and wanted to hover...a feeling I haven't truly felt since CR was a wee-one.  CA took a few more moments to come breath was lost and I felt like I wanted to vomit...but as soon as she "came to," she was her own stubborn self, times ten.

She swung from the swings on her belly, head first, and hung upside down from the parallel bars without any previous experience.

I was at my wit's end, and basically grabbed her and Moo and threw them in the stroller to head home.  CA ended up riding her scooter home alongside me...hanging on me...I was again her support system, a support she needed.

I want our kids to thrive and figure life out on their own, but dear lord...please give them a little common sense to guide them along to keep me from turning forty shades of gray before the age of 40.

Much appreciated....

Time to dust things off...

Since I've taken such a long hiatus, you would think my keyboard looks like this...there are no words for all that has happened since my last real timely post.  We had yet another baby, stuck it out through an addition on our house, and CR started Kindergarten while Baby C is in her own morning group once a week.  How I avoided documenting every minute of it all?  Easy.  I lived through it by the skin of my teeth.  Every extra minute in my days has been spent eating an additional 1,000 calories at night to make up for the breastfeeding and lack of time to eat a proper meal during the day, and abusing our Amazon Prime membership to order items ranging from drawer pulls to diapers to TP - nothing is too small to be added to the shopping cart which will, in turn, allow me to avoid one more trip to the store.  Oh, and I also started coaching again, so I need to factor in drop off and pick up as well as rush hour traffic and screwed-up nap schedules.  All in all, it's been a miracle that we have crapped our way through the poop-shoot of hell, and we all still love each other and look forward to actually starting things again.

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