Since I've taken such a long hiatus, you would think my keyboard looks like this...there are no words for all that has happened since my last real timely post. We had yet another baby, stuck it out through an addition on our house, and CR started Kindergarten while Baby C is in her own morning group once a week. How I avoided documenting every minute of it all? Easy. I lived through it by the skin of my teeth. Every extra minute in my days has been spent eating an additional 1,000 calories at night to make up for the breastfeeding and lack of time to eat a proper meal during the day, and abusing our Amazon Prime membership to order items ranging from drawer pulls to diapers to TP - nothing is too small to be added to the shopping cart which will, in turn, allow me to avoid one more trip to the store. Oh, and I also started coaching again, so I need to factor in drop off and pick up as well as rush hour traffic and screwed-up nap schedules. All in all, it's been a miracle that we have crapped our way through the poop-shoot of hell, and we all still love each other and look forward to actually starting things again.

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