She is healthy and happy, less the clogged tear duct she is rocking out with. CR had clogged ducts as a baby, and inevitably had to have them surgically unclogged...a horrible experience for the parents, but thank goodness we decided to have the procedure done, because his eyes are bright and clear now. We are hopeful that Baby C's clog is something temporary that will not require medical intervention.
Since C is still so portable, the three of us headed out today for a walk to Starbucks and TJs. CR walked the whole way, with intermittent stops to ask if he could have "up please," but I kept enforcing the idea that big boys and girls walk, and that he could make it the half mile each way to and from the stores.
After his huge effort to get there (note my sarcasm), I rewarded him with a little whipped cream treat. This also allowed me to sit for a moment to enjoy my decaf without having to drink it on the fly. I got some glares from other mothers in the store - "how could you willingly feed your child that" sort of looks, but they can scour all they want - it made my little man happy, and in turn, made this Mommy happy...
After a trip through the aisles of TJs, we broke open a loaf of bread and meandered our way back home...
I am excited for the weekend...not much planned; a great dinner tomorrow with S and T, and not a heck of a lot more on the docket...that in my mind is utter if I can only get Baby C to sleep through the night, it would be perfect...

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