She started off with her "usual" (all five-days of it "usual") bird squawk to let us know she needed something. Assuming it was food, I lifted her up to feed, and she waved her mouth back and forth, appearing to be more frustrated than hungry. She fussed, and denied the boob...then she started to cry...really cry...a pissed-off lamb-bleat that told me she needed food, and it wasn't going to come from Mommy's mammary glands. I ordered new bottles, but they have not come in yet, so I was a bit flustered without any immediate clear options or solutions.
I pulled out one of the small pre-mixed, 2-ounce formula bottles the hospital sent us home with, dumped its contents, and grabbed my pump. I double-teamed my chest, and quickly produced 5-ounces of liquid gold, filled the empty little makeshift bottle, and handed it to B. She quickly took to it, and downed 1.5 ounces. I breathed a sigh of relief, but she had more tricks up her sleeve for us.
Since she was so crammed inside of me, she needs to be tightly swaddled...unfortunately all of the "good" receiving blankets were in the wash, so we were left with the crappy thin, striped ones from the hospital, and a swaddling they do not. After pacing around the room with her, sushing and shaking (using a light bouncing technique courtesy of Happiest Baby on the Block...not DSS red-flag shaking), I decided to double wrap. I swaddled her in the tissue-like cloth, and then tucked her into the Swaddle Me straight jacket with velcro. It did the trick.
So, she was fed, changed and burritoed...all in just under 2.5 hours...damn. Meanwhile, as always, CR slept through the night, making me ask myself, "why are we doing this again?" Then I look at her little face, and know exactly why...

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