The weather was amazing today, so I took CR on a little boy fun-day outing. We took the train downtown to the MGH stop, and sauntered down Charles street to the Common.
He wanted to "run," so as soon as we entered the public garden gates, he headed straight for the carousel that seasonally has taken up shop by the Frog Pond.
We waited 15 minutes to buy tickets (we got there a little prematurely and had to wait for the ticket lady to show up for work) - while we were waiting, CR decided that he definitely wanted to ride on the "bunny" character, and was extremely amped up about the whole thing.
Once we had ticket in hand, we boarded the kiddie ride - I lifted him onto his cottontailed-mount, and watched as his smile transformed into a scowl, and then quickly to the face of a scared passenger.
He has been on merry-go-rounds before, so this manifestation caught me by surprise. He wanted down, so down he came. I shrugged my shoulders while passing by other parents who stood a little impatiently in line for passes to the ride, and then offered to sell my tickets to a couple in the way back who were struggling a bit with two toddlers - they happily shelled out cash for the golden stubs, and we both parted ways with a smile.
Next we went to the playground...then to the Frog Pond snack shack restroom to take care of someone's accident...then back to the playground.
On our way out of the park, CR spied a little girl and her mother having a picnic, so of course he requested that we plop down and share an apple (he has been really into sharing things with me as of late - apples, yogurt, name it, little one wants so sit down and share it with his Mommy, bite for bite).
We boarded the train back home, had a more formal lunch, and played some baseball in the front driveway.
Even though it was akin to any other Friday that we spend together, it meant a whole lot more to me today. There is nothing like exploring with my little buddy...soon we will have a petite third wheel with us everywhere we go, and I hope her presence makes our adventures that much more rich and full.

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