We popped over to the bank to deposit some checks, and then, back to SuperCuts for yet another trim for CR. His hair is out of control - I thought my hair grew fast from all of the prenatal vitamins I've been taking - apparently Flintstones have the same effect on 2 1/2 year old follicles.
After a quick coffee run, I came back to my car only to find a $25 ticket...I missed the meter by four minutes...the officer must have literally been hiding in a mailbox somewhere, because the time on the ticket was the same time that showed on my phone...fishy? Yes. Irritating? Even moreso. Here I am, trying to save a few dollars by taking my son (and myself) to Supercuts over a salon, and I get slapped with a fine for parking...grrr. The rest of the morning, as we drove around from place to place, CR kept saying, "That's a [parking] spot; Mommy, don't get a ticket!" Lovely.
Our nanny/friend SM had shoulder surgery today, and we were scheduled to pick her up from the hospital, so we wanted to stick close to home for when she called. At this point it was about 10:30am, so we decided to head to a nearby toystore to buy some time. CR played with the train track, and the baby dolls (sorry, B), and we picked up some ink stamps to play with at home. After playing for an hour, we went to the grocery store for a few items, and then drove home for lunch.
After dining, we broke out the new stamps at the kitchen table, and finally got a call (thank goodness...I am a classic worry-wart, so waiting for the call was painful!) to pick SM up at the outpatient branch of the local medical center.
SM was tired from the surgery, so we dropped her off to rest at home, and went to Rite Aid to fill her prescription...CR took it upon himself to find a distraction while we waited over 20 minutes for SM's happy pills...
I ripped CR from his dress-up time (I swear he looked like a blind Far Side character), and we delivered the meds, along with some saltines and Sprite, to our patient friend.
After getting back home, the clock struck 4pm...um...naptime anyone? Yes, for me it would be a gift, but for our little friend, it is a necessity...it staves off all types of undesirable lower body toddler wear, like cranky pants for instance...really not that flattering on the lad.
Exit CR. Enter S-I-G-H...aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....I was alone for the first time today, and it felt pretty darn nice.
After nap we capped off the day with making some break and bake cookies, lots of stories, and snuggles in bed.
And we do it all again tomorrow...keep your ears open sometime after 3pm...that sound you hear? Me, breathing deeply, enjoying a little solo time...

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