First, the sky: It has been raning for the past 36 hours straight here in Boston, and it doesn't look like that is going to change anytime soon. I guess I am happy that it is not snow...I still am able to bounce the baby girl inside me around the Charles River, so snow would put a hold on that pretty quickly...nobody wants to see a pregnant woman fall while running...bad for everyone involved.
Now, jump to me: I dropped CR off at pre-school this morning. He seemed to be totally fine with the idea - he immediately started looking for the toy ambulance that he has taken a liking to in the classroom, and brought it over to one of his teachers (KT) to play with. He did make sure I was there to watch, but when I told him that Mommy was going to run a few errands, and then would be back to pick him up, he continued lining up toys on the carpet, and said "Okay, Mommy."
So with that, I left. I swung by the gym for a few minutes, only to realize that I had a lot more work that I wanted to address today than I thought, so I quickly switched gears - I unloaded my gym bag in the car, grabbed my work bag, and walked to a nearby coffee shop.
Side note: I scored 24 visits at said gym for $24 through - I highly recommend signing up for the service, as sometimes you can really get some great deals sent to you
The first shop I went to was packed full of laptop-toting students (free wi-fi is great and all, but it is a bear to find a seat in any establishment that offers the convenience), so I walked over to a second shop, and found a small table by the sugar and cream stand...high traffic area, but it did the trick. After working for nearly 2 hours, I ran to the grocery store next door, and headed back to my car to drive to pick up CR...
Now the sky was crying all over me, I had three bags of groceries in my hand plus my work bag over my shoulder...I depressed the unlock button on my car, and nothing happened (my car is equipped with key-sensing technology, or whatever you want to call it - basically you do not need to put a key in the keyhole to lock and unlock it - you just have to be close enough to the car for it to sense it to perform those functions). I repeated this action a few times, as a panicked feeling began to wash over me. I couldn't put anything down because there were puddles all around me, but what I could do was peer into the driver's side window at my gym the side mesh pocket I could just make out my car keys...crap, crap, did that happen?? The key-sensing system is designed to not only add the convenience of not having to rifle through your bags to find your keys to unlock your car, but also, for the car to beep at you if you are dumb enough to try to lock your keys inside of it!
At this point, the rain was coming down, I had no way of getting into my car, CR needed to be picked up from school in 10 minutes, and one of the three bags of groceries had frozen items in it...
I called AAA, knowing that I discontinued my membership, wanted to see if they would come and help me for a one-time, "you will need to renew your membership, which is $82" thank you. I then called the city non-emergency line to see if police officers help out citizens in situations like this...apparently our tax dollars go to a lot of things, but fixing the pot holes on Mass Ave and paying cops to help out townspeople in distress are not among them.
I first unloaded my groceries at the customer service desk at the store - they put my frozen goods on ice in the back. I then hopped into a cab and get to CR's school on time (yes, in a cab, without a clue as to how I was going to get us back to the car, or get into the car, or how we were going to get home, or get into our home even if we managed to get back there...I didn't know squat).
As I was about to enter the school, another one of the teachers (PT) was walking down the street with all of CR's classmates in tow - they were returning from a rainy walk around the block, but CR was not with them.
I never imagined CR would be in a situation where he was one of those kids we always saw while out and about hanging onto a rope with a bunch of other kids, but heck, things change, and I love the idea now - however, on this particular day, in fact, he wasn't one of them.
PT said he was inside...
CR's turn: I walked into the little kitchen, and there he was, sitting on KT's lap. When he saw me it was like someone stuck him with a tack. He jumped up, crying, and he gave me the largest bear-hug - not an endearing bear hug, but an "I need you" bear hug.
Held back tears from me, tears from him.
Once he calmed down, he was fine - I asked him about what had happened, and he said "I was crying for Mommy," and that was about all I could get out of him. The little bugger actually didn't want to leave once I got there...grrrr....
I called B. He was baffled about why I hadn't called him sooner. He saved us. By chance he had a copy of my keys in his car, so he came right from work, grabbed my car, drove to the school to rescue us, and drove us back so that I could get the groceries, and off he went back to work.
My knight in the shining Acura.
So here we are, back home. CR is sleeping, and I am going to continue with work and cleaning the house. I am quite the emotional mess today. I truly hope tomorrow, at the very least, the sky bucks-up and stops shedding all the tears - that should in turn get some vitamin D into our systems, and things will be a whole lot better in our world.
(image from here)

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