Superbowl Sunday. This is the fifteenth year B and one of his closest friends K have held their chili cook-off. It is always funny to look back over the years and see how the crowd has changed. The invitees are mainly the same, but our friends have procreated...a lot. Last night we had seventeen adults, and fourteen children...and with my friend H and me, two more on the way. The party used to go late into the night, with lots of loud ruckus and People tend to dine on fiery beef around half-time, and hit the road with their brood.
We cleaned up after the fete, and headed, exhausted, to bed...only to wake up an hour later to the sound of CR getting sick...everywhere. B slept in his bed with him, and we both got up nearly every hour on the hour to hold our little guy's head. Poor little bug. :(To keep up with the soiled sheets, towels, and blankets, I have been running laundry all night. I still have at least 2-3 loads to go. All of his buddies were casualties as well, so into the spin cycle they went.
I really hope all of our little guests and their parents do not come down with this bug. It's not pretty. B is now sleeping, and I am hanging with the little patient, slowly trying to get fluids into him, and hoping they stay where they're supposed to, and not all over our couches. I am sure it's just a matter of time until B and I get to experience the fun little roller coaster CR was on last night...our washer had better fasten it's seatbelt, as it's going to be quite the ride.
(image from here)

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