I had a feeling I was doomed, but when I first woke up this morning, I thought for a moment I was in the clear. CR woke up acting like his cute normal self, and B and I figured that if we hadn't shown symptoms by last night, that the bug had flown the coop.
My first clue that something was up was when I was making hot cereal for wee-man. As he scooped heaping spoonfuls of the warm oatmeal into his mouth, the coffee in my stomach churned...
So without any details, needless to say, the coffee did not last much longer in my belly. B had left for work, so I had to figure out a way to keep my 90% recovered, in-my-face child entertained, while making sure my 60% developed daughter kept hydrated inside me. I didn't want to have SM come into the house to help out, as I was afraid she might catch the lovely virus...I wanted CR to get outside before the expected snowstorm arrived, so I had SM meet us at the door, child bundled and Purelled, with outside toys to keep them busy for a half an hour. After a stint outside, and a brief rest period for me, CR and I decided it was time to color a little bit. And color we did, just not in the traditional manner...
After little Picasso finished decorating Mommy's face, we did a little arts and crafts..
...and it was time for his nap...and for mine...the sigh out of me was heard on the Moon today...
With being away last week, and now getting taken out by this virus, I feel like I am a decade behind with work, housework, catching up with friends...behind in general. Tonight I am sleeping in Mantown in an attempt to keep this little pest away from my hub...tomorrow as I emerge from the depths of our house, I hope to leave this bug as snug in a rug in the carpet below, and I hope it is the last we see of this blip on our health radar for awhile.

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