So, back to the reason behind our tired little man. After his nap on Friday, we made our way to All-Star Cafe for a little family dinner outing - we brought along all of his afore-posted cars, and he was a rock-star at the All-Star, even though it was past his bedtime. Saturday morning we took CR ice skating for the first time. He loved it. B is an amazing skater, so he set a great example for CR, gliding around the rink frontwards and backwards - when it came time for CR to try it out, he walked in his skates like a pro, and loved making his way across the ice between his daddy's legs.
After his nap, we made our way to our friends' house for a little play time with S, my friend from college, her husband T, and their two kids W (he is 2 1/2) and L (she is nearly 10 months). They were heading out for the evening, but we managed to get our boys together for over an hour of loud, often above outside voice level of fun.
Sunday morning we headed out to swim class. The class offers wall-kicks, kick-board practice, noodle floating, and waterslide fun. The water is about 85 degrees, so B doesn't mind being in the pool with him. I look ahead to a few Sundays where I will need to take CR when B has plans, and even I won't balk at getting in the water (aside from the whole pregnant body in a swimsuit thing).
After swim class, it was off for some errands, and then home for lunch. After nap, we headed out to B's sister's (J) and brother-in-law's (D) house for a birthday dinner with visiting Mimi and Pop-pops, and playtime with CR's cousins, AW (he is 3 1/4) and AM (she is 1 1/2). CR stayed up until a little after 10pm, so this, along with all of this weekend's activities, drive him to snooze so late into the morning.
B and I are working from home today, and are enjoying a play-visit from our friend T and his son W.
Tomorrow marks the start of another work week, but at least it was delayed a if only the sun would come out...

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