At any rate, Saturday we tried skating for the second time. The interest was a bit lacking from wee-man...
He was more interested in sitting. And falling. And jumping. The only break from his antics was caused by his undying love for and interest in a "lift" that was parked next to the rink.
After skating, knowing that we would never be able to leave if he saw the workers readying to wake the vehicle from its slumber, we had to run to the car.
After naptime, we headed out to a bar in Waltham to celebrate B's cousin's (K) birthday. We brought CR, and J and D brought along AW and AM. Dinner arrived a little later than planned, so the kids resorted to their own methods of dealing with their fatigue; AW and CR delved into Cars, while AM took to the floor with her ba-ba and her blanket...not necessarily what one typically sees strewn under their feet when ordering a beer, but it worked for us, buying us a little more time with the fam.
Sunday B took CR to his swim class, allowing me to take my beat-up feet to a nearby salon for a little pedicure love.
That brings us to today. CR has a cold, and it is pouring outside, so much of our day was spent playing in Mantown, building long trains, and playing "horsie" while riding on momma's nearly 23 weeks, moving around the basement on all fours made me second guess my game choice.
Tomorrow is a little bit of work for me, and a visit from my brother, J, for dinner. Hopefully the little guy feels better, and we can leave the house for more than just a trip to the mailbox.

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