At any rate, I had a productive late morning/early afternoon at the office, and upon driving back to get CR, I had a feeling that came over me; something that I have not felt for a long time. In looking back at my day, I left CR, and was able to completely remove myself from him for a period of time. I work three out of five days out of the week from home, and when SM comes over, I head upstairs for a few hours and focus on work. The difference between my normal routine and today, you ask? Today I was back in my office element, dressed in work clothes (as opposed to my Lululemons that I rock at home), and engaging in meetings face-to-face with my colleagues rather than over the phone. For the first time in awhile, I was able to feel like my former pre-child a person who worked, but was also a Mom...
I realized, however, that these feelings were I drove into my sister-in-law's driveway to retrieve CR, the feelings of happiness shifted immediately back into my role as a Mom, who is also a person who works...I even felt myself quicken my steps to get to their front door to see him a little quicker.
Tomorrow I am back to working from home, sporting my Lululemons, with occasional belly laughs bellowing out from the little guy right downstairs. Until my next in-office meeting, I am all smiles over where I am right now...there is plenty of time in my life down the road to work in the office. For now, I am happy to be right where I am.

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