With CR, and now with this pregnancy, I cannot tell you how many people have first asked me how far along I am, and following my response, stating "oh my goodness, you're tiny!"
Seriously, it doesn't feel like they're saying "you look great," but rather asking, "are you even pregnant?" It gets old quick.
The days between my OB check-up and today's ultrasound raised my stress levels a bit...were the others right? Am I harboring a peanut inside of me?
After giving the 32-week old a once over, the technician was sort of perplexed as to why we were there in the first place. She measures in at the 57th percentile, estimated at over 4 pounds. She is on track to possibly outweigh her brother before she even vacates the womb...okay, a bit of an exaggeration, not to mention a frightening thought for my lady parts, but she is "perfect" to quote the sonographer.
So my mind is back at ease. I may be small, but my daughter and I are making a good team so far...ask me again how compatible we are when she hits thirteen, but for now, the relationship is working for both of us.

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