Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Creative Energy
As we know, I live by a creed that has been passed down from my grandmother, to my mother, and then to me...waste not want needless to say, we floated our way into the exam room after making sure we drank every last drop of his waiting room pastime.
Once we returned home, EB met us to hang out with wee-man for a couple of hours so that I could get a few work items crossed off my list. After venturing down into Mantown to catch up with EB a bit before she left, I witnessed what was the result of a little pent-up energy. Due to the horrendous weather we have been experiencing, combined with taking CR with me to run not-so-kid-friendly errands over the past couple of days, equated to a limited amount of outside, energy-burning activity time.
This is what happened...
He conned EB into bulldozing basically everything he could find in the basement into a corner. It took me literally 20 minutes to find homes for all the objects in the pile.
Sort of funny? Yes. A pain in the arse? Also yes.
Avoiding this sort of inconvenience trumps humor, so next time we have a stretch of bad weather, I am dragging the little guy outside to do laps around the house or something of that nature...anything to keep from having to sort through the tangible representation of his pent-up energy.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
...the lion sleeps tonight...
He has been getting into the habit of staying up and playing in his bed for nearly an hour after he goes down for his afternoon nap - this pushes his actual shut-eye time out an hour, and in turn, his wake-up time out an hour. So basically the lad crashes from 3:30pm - 6pm, and then once we get him into bed for nite-nite time at 8:30pm, he repeats the play action and sometimes stays up past 10pm. Notice the trend? It's not good. He's an annoying little jungle creature up there, crashing his cars, and repeatedly roaring down to his enslaved parents to retrieve any vehicles that have jumped out of his bed.
I suppose we sort of established the rocky foundation in this flawed structure. In order to keep his toys contained within a relatively portable vessel, we piled all of his bedtime pals into a bucket.
You may remember this multi-faceted canister when it served as a hat for CR...
Rather than sitting with him and having him select a few choice cars or trains to keep with him at night, at one point awhile back we handed him the entire felt bee tub - we told him to keep the ones he wanted, and to throw those he didn't onto his floor...not the smartest set of parental instructions.
Instead of tossing the rejects down gently to the rug below, the little menace has taken to hurling the sedans at the door, the far wall, the bookcase...basically with every forceful toss, the little guy is further depreciating the value of our home by adding little nooks and crannies all over the room...a habit we are aiming to break for more reasons beyond the initial problem of his mounting sleep deprivation...
After finally nodding off last night, you can only imagine how tired the little man was this morning when it came time to actually get up and go to school. Apparently he rose briefly before it was time to get up this morning, and in order to avoid waking the heartburn-laiden woman in the next room, B climbed into bed with wee-man, and the pair proceeded to snooze until 8am...
This isn't the first time the father-son team has shared a pillow...
Around the time that we usually leave the house for school was when CR made his way down the stairs for his hot cereal fix...thank goodness it was PJ day in his classroom, as it made getting dressed a whole lot smoother and less of a battle...going from PJs to PJs is an easy case to make.
Tonight he only screamed out once. At that point, we threatened to shut his door and take away all of his buddies, and he wasn't heard from again.
Hopefully he is on a path to a normal sleeping pattern. I put him down earlier for his afternoon nap, and the last peep we heard from his room tonight was 9pm. Tomorrow he is going to accompany me to my 32 week appointment - he'd better be up and at 'em when I go into his room in the morning, and his wrecking-ball cars had better not done too much damage...
Monday, March 29, 2010
Row, row, row your Arc, gently down the street...
Rain + puddles = happy little boy
We strapped on our rain gear, grabbed an umbrella, and headed outside.
After a stroll around the block, CR decided that struggling with the wind and the umbrella was a bit much, so we resorted to splashing in puddles. Lots of splashing. CR went nuts for nearly half an hour in our driveway. He had a blast.
Now a side note - Mimi, you have been asking about what to get CR for his upcoming birthday. Well, I just thought of another item. As you can see, his raincoat is a bit snug...that's because it is size 6-12 months. I kid you not. I know sizing varies from designer to designer, but come on. That being said, he needs a new rain jacket...that or some human growth hormone...
I love the Curious George one that he has because it has a light fleece lining, so it provides a little warmth as well as rain protection. According to Real Simple magazine, the best time to find deals on rain coats is April, so now is the time to ask for one (your unsolicited shopping tip of the day).
So today, despite the rain, being stuck with wee-man indoors was not that painful. Smiling and taking advantage of what the elements have to offer is a better approach than cursing left and right about how much the weather does suck, but at least for today we found a little silver lining in the cloud that is expected to accompany us for the next 48 hours...
If you think CR's hair looks a little green in the pictures, it's not because I am trying to make him look like a little Leprechaun because I missed out on St. Paddy's's because first thing this morning I took him to get yet another haircut, capped off with the green spikes he has now come to ask for when he goes...
Friday, March 26, 2010
The Princess and the Pea
Pic of our bed in Harvard Square shortly before CR's arrival...
Pic of our bed at our current residence - pillow tower began at about 29 weeks...
A little too much information? Sorry...just another fun side effect of pregnancy...just be thankful it's a mere fairy tale for you. For me? The happy ending to my nightly battle-of-the-belly arrives around 2:30am...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I kind of like them, Sam I am...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Belly Update - 30+ Weeks
Monday, March 22, 2010
Achilles Knee
We arrived at 12:30pm, and were home by 4pm. Crazy fast.
Pretty much as soon as we arrived, B was taken back for pre-op. I did some work using the hospital computer terminals, and before I knew it, the doctor came out to give me an update on how B's procedure went.
On the way home, we chatted about how much CR has grown mentally and emotionally, even over the past few weeks. He went to school this morning and had a great day there (no crying, and he even asked to use the bathroom rather than shrugging his shoulders to rely upon the semi-absorbant nature of his Pull-ups; he always uses the potty at home, but while adjusting to life at school, taking care of bodily functions in the proper manner was not on the table). I picked him up around 11:30am, and after prying him away from the craft he was working on, we did a 5-minute turnaround at home - we arrived, SM walked through the door moments later, I gathered my husband, kissed CR goodbye, and we were off into the rain. It didn't phase CR - no whining, no "where's Mommy" questions, nothing. He laughed and smiled as we rushed out the door. B and I capped off our car ride discussion by saying how proud we are of that, B let out a few loud and exaggerated sighs. Worried that post-surgical nausea had kicked in, I asked if he was okay.
"Just breathing out the toxins."
He's nuts.
Hopefully this is his last surgery for awhile, or forever, for that matter. I am proud of both my boys - cheers to a speedy recovery!
(image from here)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Daddy's home!
I know. I shouldn't complain at all. B does not travel for work, and it is rare that he is even home late for dinner, let alone gone for days at a time. We are so lucky in that regard. But when he drove off into the wild abandon for his annual get-away with his college buddies last Thursday, I was sad. Sad because we would miss him, and even more sad that it meant that CR and I were going to be flying solo for the next three days. Ga and Gee came up for a visit on Friday, but other than that, it was just me and wee-man.
Thursday evening I had four of my girlfriends over for some wine and noshing. Granted, as we know I am "with child," and one of my other girlfriends in attendance is also on the wagon for the same reason, so we sipped our allotted tiny tasses of vino with tumblers of seltzer chasers, while the other ladies were able to pour freely throughout the night. CR had a blast, grabbing the attention of four attractive women - he even broke out some of his best Jason Mraz dance moves.
Friday evening we visited with some of my high school buddies - it was a quick visit, but wonderful nonetheless. My girlfriend's daughter had already gone to bed by the time we got to her house, so again, CR was doted upon by the adults.
Saturday was the longest of the plans to speak of, but thank goodness the weather was on our side. We went for a long run in the morning, followed by a few hours of park time. We ran into S, T, W and L, so that added to our happiness for the day. After naptime, CR and I returned to the park, and then meandered down to Whole Foods to grab dinner.
Sunday morning, CR was up and at 'em early, yet again, and we repeated things again with a run and playtime at the park. SM joined us for a bit on her day off, and then it was time for the man of the house to return (insert a roar of glory from the immediate crowd).
CR and I only had a few serious arguments. They stemmed mostly from him not wanting to do what I asked him to...not a shocking revelation. We came out of it unscathed, and I know that even though it was a challenge, that once the little Miss arrives, being left alone with two kids will be that much more challenging. So as much as I dreaded the time B was away, I guess I am happy that it shows me that I can totally manage CR without any help, at 30+ weeks pregnant, nonetheless.
(image from here)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Creativity is her middle name...
So you can imagine my happiness when my parents showed up late this morning for an afternoon of good family fun. CR was pretty darn excited about it fact, he woke me up this morning at 6:20am (after going to bed after 11pm last night, mind you) to ask me if Ga and Gee were here yet. This picture was taken shortly thereafter, with CR lining up the kitchen chairs to sit and wait for their arrival.
We walked down to Whole Foods to grab provisions for a picnic lunch, and then it was back to the park to dine on some overpriced, eclectic cuisine (my father's and my eating habits could not be more disparate - I chose a salad with spinach, pecans, raisins, peas, and carrots, while he was lured-in by the prepared food counter with a slice of brisket, potato salad, and a large slice of rare steak...I am definitely my father's daughter, just not in the dietary category).
After some post-consumption park action, we made our way home for some baseball and digger time. The weather was perfect today, so venturing inside before naptime wasn't an option. CR went around the yard, picking up various sticks and twigs, and Ga had the creative vision to make one of the sticks into a fishing pole. With a quick twist of some cooking twine and a paperclip, grapes became bait, and a bowl became a fishing hole. CR loved it. My mother is amazing with him, and I know that CR's imagination blossoms every time he is around her.
That being said, we need to see both the grandparents and great grandparents more...we'd better make sure the SpeedPass is up and running, and that the portable DVD player is may not be until Easter, but CT, here we come.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wait, how did I get back here again so soon?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Éire go Brách
This is the only pic I could find off hand with wee-man wearing anything even remotely Irish...dated? Yes. Out of context? Yes. But he is sporting one of the lucky charms on his chest...the pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, blue diamonds and later added purple horseshoes didn't make the cut
So Happy St. Paddy's Day to all - I hope others were able to down some green beer and boiled dinner on my behalf...
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sibling Rivalry
It's like we are carrying on a generational trend, but not really...let me explain.
Mimi and B sometimes bicker like siblings when they fight. When this happens, it's not really like a mother reprimanding a child, but more like two kids arguing over XY and Z topic. Each of them try to get in the last word, and CR and I tend to do the same thing. This is not to be critical of my husband and mother-in-law in the least, as the duo has fessed up to behaving in such a way. It seems as though CR and I are diving head-first into the questionable effective nature for patterns of debate in our family gene pool...B married a woman like his mother, and CR is following in his Daddy's footsteps...not in a "marry your daughter, and date your cousin," Southern sort of way, but in a personality sense.
I guess it's a good thing in a way, because CR does learn right from wrong, but in a playful manner, and he has picked up some of my sarcastic ways along the line as well...he will be good at dishing it out when the time comes. I know I look favorably on it now, but down the road, when the phone rings and it's CR's school principal on the other end, this will all bite me in the derriere, and I will deny ever praising him for his smart-ass ways...
Monday, March 15, 2010
More than one influence...
We love you Gee and Pop-pops.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Making something out of nothing...
I am always a little giddy to see Friday come our way as the gateway to the weekend, but there is a slight grass stain on that means that I need to boost myself up and come up with fun things for Mommy and CR to do between the hours of 9am and 3pm (when B leaves for work, and the latter when CR goes down for a nap). A six hour span that will not be spent idly sitting in the house if the weather is cooperative, and also a six hour span where Mommy tries to prevent herself from pulling her hair out (the hair loss is inevitable as soon as I have the baby of many attractive and wonderful "miracles" associated with the postpartum body...can't wait).
We started out with a jog around part of the Charles. It's been awhile since I've pushed wee-man while running, so this in and of itself was a real experience for both of us. As we made our way down to the river, it was very apparent to me that he knows every inch of the roads in our town...we ran by Starbucks, and he shouted out a request for a hot chocolate...we ran by the toy store, he insisted on stopping...on the return part of our loop, even before we were within eye-shot of these "landmarks," he reminded me of the things that he, I was selfish in getting him out for the run, so I figured he should be selfish and have his needs met as well.
First stop, Starbucks for a little hot chocolate
Then next door to the toy store...
where we picked up a new puzzle...
After puzzle time and lunch, CR insisted on playing doctor to Mommy's baby...
Since the weather is supposed to be wretched this weekend and into next week, I wanted to get CR back outside for the rest of our time together before naptime. Originally we were going to just head to the park for a little swing time, and then back home, but I ended deciding that the little guy could use a little exercise before his afternoon slumber...
Looking back to our little game of "tag the tree" from earlier this winter, I decided to give the game a slight urban twist...if you have a ball and an open space, voila! A game of "chase the sphere!"
Throw in a painted-on circle on the basketball court, we made things really urban (or ghetto) with a game of "merry-go-round without the horses."
1 year-old: pots and pans with lids
1 1/2 year-old: cardboard boxes and paper that rips easily
2 year-old: egg carton and Cheerios for compartmentalizing and counting
2 1/2 year-old: a pair of Daddy's shoes (or Mommy's heels if you are like CR...sorry, B) to clomp around in
3 year-old: a ball and an open space to run
See? This whole parenting thing is a breeze...yeah right...