I know. I shouldn't complain at all. B does not travel for work, and it is rare that he is even home late for dinner, let alone gone for days at a time. We are so lucky in that regard. But when he drove off into the wild abandon for his annual get-away with his college buddies last Thursday, I was sad. Sad because we would miss him, and even more sad that it meant that CR and I were going to be flying solo for the next three days. Ga and Gee came up for a visit on Friday, but other than that, it was just me and wee-man.
Thursday evening I had four of my girlfriends over for some wine and noshing. Granted, as we know I am "with child," and one of my other girlfriends in attendance is also on the wagon for the same reason, so we sipped our allotted tiny tasses of vino with tumblers of seltzer chasers, while the other ladies were able to pour freely throughout the night. CR had a blast, grabbing the attention of four attractive women - he even broke out some of his best Jason Mraz dance moves.
Friday evening we visited with some of my high school buddies - it was a quick visit, but wonderful nonetheless. My girlfriend's daughter had already gone to bed by the time we got to her house, so again, CR was doted upon by the adults.
Saturday was the longest of the days...no plans to speak of, but thank goodness the weather was on our side. We went for a long run in the morning, followed by a few hours of park time. We ran into S, T, W and L, so that added to our happiness for the day. After naptime, CR and I returned to the park, and then meandered down to Whole Foods to grab dinner.
Sunday morning, CR was up and at 'em early, yet again, and we repeated things again with a run and playtime at the park. SM joined us for a bit on her day off, and then it was time for the man of the house to return (insert a roar of glory from the immediate crowd).
CR and I only had a few serious arguments. They stemmed mostly from him not wanting to do what I asked him to...not a shocking revelation. We came out of it unscathed, and I know that even though it was a challenge, that once the little Miss arrives, being left alone with two kids will be that much more challenging. So as much as I dreaded the time B was away, I guess I am happy that it shows me that I can totally manage CR without any help, at 30+ weeks pregnant, nonetheless.
(image from here)
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