So you can imagine my happiness when my parents showed up late this morning for an afternoon of good family fun. CR was pretty darn excited about it fact, he woke me up this morning at 6:20am (after going to bed after 11pm last night, mind you) to ask me if Ga and Gee were here yet. This picture was taken shortly thereafter, with CR lining up the kitchen chairs to sit and wait for their arrival.
We walked down to Whole Foods to grab provisions for a picnic lunch, and then it was back to the park to dine on some overpriced, eclectic cuisine (my father's and my eating habits could not be more disparate - I chose a salad with spinach, pecans, raisins, peas, and carrots, while he was lured-in by the prepared food counter with a slice of brisket, potato salad, and a large slice of rare steak...I am definitely my father's daughter, just not in the dietary category).
After some post-consumption park action, we made our way home for some baseball and digger time. The weather was perfect today, so venturing inside before naptime wasn't an option. CR went around the yard, picking up various sticks and twigs, and Ga had the creative vision to make one of the sticks into a fishing pole. With a quick twist of some cooking twine and a paperclip, grapes became bait, and a bowl became a fishing hole. CR loved it. My mother is amazing with him, and I know that CR's imagination blossoms every time he is around her.
That being said, we need to see both the grandparents and great grandparents more...we'd better make sure the SpeedPass is up and running, and that the portable DVD player is may not be until Easter, but CT, here we come.
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