Rain + puddles = happy little boy
We strapped on our rain gear, grabbed an umbrella, and headed outside.
After a stroll around the block, CR decided that struggling with the wind and the umbrella was a bit much, so we resorted to splashing in puddles. Lots of splashing. CR went nuts for nearly half an hour in our driveway. He had a blast.
Now a side note - Mimi, you have been asking about what to get CR for his upcoming birthday. Well, I just thought of another item. As you can see, his raincoat is a bit snug...that's because it is size 6-12 months. I kid you not. I know sizing varies from designer to designer, but come on. That being said, he needs a new rain jacket...that or some human growth hormone...
I love the Curious George one that he has because it has a light fleece lining, so it provides a little warmth as well as rain protection. According to Real Simple magazine, the best time to find deals on rain coats is April, so now is the time to ask for one (your unsolicited shopping tip of the day).
So today, despite the rain, being stuck with wee-man indoors was not that painful. Smiling and taking advantage of what the elements have to offer is a better approach than cursing left and right about how much the weather sucks...it does suck, but at least for today we found a little silver lining in the cloud that is expected to accompany us for the next 48 hours...
If you think CR's hair looks a little green in the pictures, it's not because I am trying to make him look like a little Leprechaun because I missed out on St. Paddy's Day...it's because first thing this morning I took him to get yet another haircut, capped off with the green spikes he has now come to ask for when he goes...
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