"Mommy, I want a cow-back" (instead of, say, a piggy-back?)
"Where are the sharp things?" (asked after we took golf tees away from him)
"What else I can draw?" asking Mommy what he can draw in his coloring book - after this grammatically incorrect statement, he lists off the following:
"Prune juice? And Poops? And apples?" (apparently he knows that the first leads to the second, and that too many of the third result in the second as well)
Mommy: "CR, what are you doing up there" (as I hear him running around his room when he is supposed to be napping...)
CR: "Mommy, I'm just sleeping!"
CR: "My penis is tall" (yikes!)
B and J stop in Harvard Square to check out Harvest's most recent dinner menu posted outside of their restaurant. CR, on B's shoulders, states:
"Why don't you just go in - the lights are on" (while gesturing with his hands and shrugging his shoulders - apparently he thinks his parents are idiots...)
Watching Mommy try on the dress I wore to my sis-in-law J's wedding, trying to decide whether or not to keep or donate it...
"Wowwie zowwie, you're a princess!"
I'm keeping the dress...how can I not??

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