I was in two different situations where I had to choose between which child to tend to when they both needed me at the same time.
Our local renovated public library - CR decided to take the stairs while I had to take the elevator with Baby C in the stroller. CR ran down the stairs, and sprinted across the first floor (packed with people who came there to enjoy the quiet and serene atmosphere of the library...I interrupted that quickly)...
I had to have the moral discussion at an elevated conversational volume from across the room about how I needed him to come back, that I couldn't leave Baby C - did he want someone to take her and for him to never see his baby sister again? All of this was uttered with an audience of undoubtedly disturbed strangers. One person offered to stay with Baby C while I retrieved my other set of genes - bless their heart, but um, no, I will not leave my 6-week-old daughter under your supervision, you scary little man, especially when you could escape with her out the doors to the outside world conveniently located right next to us.
Fortunately, the carseat was detachable, so though not ideal, I was still able to unhook the seat, fly down the stairs and try to grab CR...once CR saw me start to chase after him, he thought it was a game...the little sh*t ran up the opposite set of stairs back to the original floor that I needed him to stay on in the first place, and proceeded to run back and forth down the library aisles. Not the easiest sprint while toting a child in a carseat. I think CR got the gist of my lecture, but really, who am I kidding...I am sure the escapee will try his antics again without any remorse...I am tempted to hide her from his view the next time he runs away from me and tell him a billy-goat tale about her abduction...a little too far? Maybe, but it might make things hit home a little quicker...if it works, one point for evil Mommy...
The second instance was when CR was woken up from his short nap by a squawking Baby C. He must have been in deep REM sleep, because he was all shaky and had some serious sheet marks on his face and arms. So there I was, with an irrational, out-of-it boy, and a hungry infant who was entering her witching hours of the day...a timespan where she freaks out a bit, screams at my breasts when trying to nurse, and generally is as irrational as her brother in this situation.
I walked downstairs and tried to capture the "bliss" that I was enveloped in...
I hope the next conflict of interest is coinciding sporting events when they are five and eight, respectively, but something tells me I should close my eyes tonight and expect to be challenged again tomorrow.

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