Well, sadly that urge to take every one of his movements and upload them to my laptop has subsided a bit. My laziness has resulted in leaving the camera at home, and using my iPhone's capabilities to document his achievements. The quality? Horrible. The ease of having a multi-purpose device with me at all times? Priceless...until you really look at the pictures. They suck. They are dark, unpredictable in terms of when you snap the pic (the delay from click to actual shutter speed is often a second or two), and there is no depth to them. What is my problem? I have the means to take some amazing film reels, but I choose not to. The next tier of patheticness (not a word, but you get the point) is that even for the better quality shots that I took with an actual camera, we stopped getting the images printed up for frames for our walls. The current shots sit on our laptop for us to see, but visitors to our house see the framed pics of CR, and probably think that he is still an infant based on how he looked when we last took the trouble of getting pictures developed.
In looking at these shots, I brought up the thought of having a professional sitting for CR. I would love some good, formal images of wee-man...something I would be psyched to look back at down the line. The concept is perfect for lazy people like us - get great pictures of our child, and have someone else go through the motions to put them on paper for us - even in the standard frame sizes - we just pay, and then pop the quality prints into frames to display around our home. How could you say no to that?
Well, B said no. He said it would be a waste of money - that we can take pictures that are just as good as any professional...yes, that might be true, but do you see anything on our desktop that is frame-worthy at this point? Didn't think so...
Call it fate, or just a wonderful perk of having your child in preschool with kids who have parents with unique professions...regardless, one of the mothers from CR's class is a professional photographer, and as a favor to the school, she offered to do class portraits as well as individual sittings for all students at a greatly reduced rate. The result?
I think he looks pretty dapper, and definitely frame-worthy. Granted, I am not looking for family pictures with all of us dressed in the same sweater, slacks and matching hats...nor am I looking to spend a fortune on these images. But every once in awhile it might be a nice thing to do to capture our kids at milestone ages on film...just sayin'...

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