After a call yesterday morning to their pediatrician to make sure it was okay to send CR to school (yes, I am a little crazy...I know he wasn't the one who was throwing up, but out of fear that he might still be able to transfer the belly bug to others by way of association...this crazy lady needed to make sure his classmates weren't in danger...), I Purelled the heck out of his hands and shipped him out of the sick house into the school house.
I picked him up after "Lunch Bunch," and his teacher shared with me a little tidbit that CR said to his classmates earlier in the day.
What his teacher heard:
My babysitter had too much of the bottle and got sick...
What CR actually said:
My baby sister had too much of her bottle and got sick...
Mrs. W laughed, thinking what kind of bottle CR's babysitter drank too much of to make her sick...Jameson? Cuervo?
Gotta love everything that gets lost in translation...
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