CR and I were taking a leisurely walk in the cold, with Baby C strapped to me in the Bjorn. It was mid-afternoon, and after over an hour of indoor games, and looking ahead to a welcome stretch before it got dark, I thought it might be a good idea to get outside for at least a stroll around the block.
We made it a couple of houses beyond a street that intersects our road, when I noticed a minivan backing up with aggression. With all the snow piling up along the roadsides, there is really only space for one car to get through at a time.
The driver of said minivan rolled down her window. I caught a glimpse of two occupied car seats in the second row of her family truckster, when I heard the following message uttered from the mother's dainty mouth:
I want you to tell me - what makes you think you are the most important thing in the world, BITCH?!
As the minivan hit Drive, a Jeep skirted by her, around the corner, parking three houses down from our place.
Angry Mom screeched down the road.
If someone, complete with children in the car, has that much anger and aggression on a side street without any other traffic, I cross my fingers I don't encounter her on any of my daily excursions around town...I am usually pushing a duallie with my kids in it...her random expletive will not even come close to what I would have to say if she screeched tires at me...
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