Friday, February 12, 2010

Walt - Back to Basics

Yes. We all love Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc., and we know how CR feels about Cars. But in looking back to my childhood, I fondly remember trips I took with my family to Disney World and Disney Land. There were not any futuristic characters wandering around the Magic Kingdom. When you entered the gates, Micky and Minnie greeted you with big ears and freakishly large gloved hands - we loved it. So when I heard there was going to be a free performance of Disney on Ice at the Frog Pond on the Common this afternoon, I bundled up wee-man, and headed to the train. Riding the T is an event in and of itself for him, so hyping him up to go out in the chilly air to get on the choo-choo was the easy part. The more difficult part of the afternoon was when he decided he didn't want to walk anymore, and I had to carry him...note to time he says he doesn't want to bring the stroller and that he wants to walk instead, ignore him.

We walked down Charles Street, consumed a packed lunch at Starbucks (I paid for a coffee, so I felt entitled to enjoy a few snacks in the warmth of their store even though I had not purchased them from the beverage mogul itself)...

...and crossed over to the Common.

(CR was actually watching a homeless woman getting sick in this picture, and he kept asking me "What's she doin' over there?" as I tried to urge him to walk faster...lovely)
We arrived at the skating rink right at 2pm, and figuring we would be there for awhile, we cozied up to the rink edge, and waited for the show to begin. First up was a group from Louisiana dressed in Mardi Gras garb - CR even got a set of beads (no, neither of us had to raise our shirts to get them...and if I did, they would have thought twice about donning us with a necklace at first sight of the prenatal mole).

Next up were Micky and Minnie - CR asked about who the big mouse was...bad parent...we haven't really gotten to the education of the Disney's large rodents, but some day, he will know, and he will love them as much as he loves McQueen and Sally.
After they skated around the rink to greet all the half-pint spectators, we expected to see a grand skating display....[loud sound that you hear when "Xs" appear across the TV screen for a wrong answer on a game show]...we were gypped. The mice skated off the ice, and the announcer reiterated the dates when Disney on Ice would be appearing at TD much for an hour of entertainment.
Luckily there is a park right next to the pond, so CR and a hundred of his disappointed buddies rushed the slides and monkey bars.

We grabbed the train home at Park Street, and made our way back to the house. J and D, if you read this, we got your drycleaning - it's been there since August of '08 - very impressive :)
It was a fun but tiring outing today. It was the hauling of the child, the unborn child, and the backpack that got me. Next time, it's either the car or the jogging stroller to lessen the load...maybe I can get CR to swap "pushing ourchothers" (a reference to my childhood description of sharing pushing duties on the swings with my young playmate J) in the stroller...

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